If you are a student, please see HscSearch.com


App: HscSearch.com

Cover Image for App: HscSearch.com
Joel B
Joel B


This is a search engine that allows you to find keywords within past-HSC papers. You can then click the link to open to the exact page of that paper where the keyword appears.

Here is the link: HscSearch.com


I made it a few years ago and was it only meant for the Software Design and Development (SDD) subject. It was supposed to look like an old-school terminal with the outstanding colour palette of green only. It never looked great to be honest, but it was never supposed to. Function over form.

The Code

This was written in Javascript, using the Meteor framework. This means Javascript for the frontend and backend. Meteor seems to be a little out of favour, but it is easy to use. The code is not particularly pretty, I was learning as I went.